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Saturday, July 28, 2012

Reflections Sundays: Books read

This past month, I've been off work to rest and break away from reviewing papers. Though I've attended some events and meetings, took care of my business a bit, tried to exercise, and visited relatives, I made sure to make time for reading new books. I love books! So not surprisingly, I've spent most of my time reading. Also, having most days raining, there's nothing more relaxing than to curl up and get lost in the worlds created by good authors. I've read a string or romance stories from Jennifer Crusie (you can always count on her sense of humor and unique plots) and the always reliable Nora Roberts. But of course, there are some exceptional reads I truly and deeply enjoyed. Here are 4 of them:


These books by Sylvain Reynard are delicious surprises. I don't usually read romance novels written by men, just because most of men's romance novels lack that certain sentimentality, sweetness, and sensuality that we, as women, look for in a romance novel (excepting Nicholas Sparks' work.). However, Reynard's works have all three, and then some. I especially liked the depth of his main characters here, and his continuous reference to Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy (One of the best literature and love story in history!). I can't wait for the third book. :)


And I thought I was tired of the paranormal stories, then here comes Deborah Harkness igniting my imagination once again and whirling me back to the world of the paranormal creatures. Of course, the focus here are witches, which initially tickled my curiosity --I've always been amazed by witches and witch craft. Though there are vampires here (different and interesting kind, I assure you), there are no werewolves (thankfully), which she compensated by introducing daemons. But what I enjoyed most about these books is that I learned so much, from history, neuroscience, and religion (particularly, the creation). Again, I can't wait for the third part of the story. :) 

I absolutely fell in love with these books. They are definitely worth your time.. How 'bout you? What books have you read lately? Share them with me.. :)


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